"A Typical Day at CTK"
Before any discussion of a typical day, please note that our school is secure for your children. Access to the school is through doors that are locked throughout the day with access during school hours being gained only after a bell is wrung and the visitor has been identified. Parents are asked to drop their child off at our door. We have an easy access and exit parking lot from which to do that.
The information that follows is an approximate schedule. It allows for a good deal of flexibility. Some things are done daily, others periodically. Various themes are carried out during the course of the year. The children move with their class and teachers from room to room throughout their academic day. The classrooms are changed approximately every six weeks.
Our day begins in the child’s classroom for a 15 minute session. Activities may vary some from day to day but will include:
A salute to the US Flag
Calendar, Weather and Season time
Language development activity
Morning Worship and Bible Story
Our day continues with a rotation through the rooms of the school. Every room has a purpose!
The Yellow Room – Gross Motor Skills (free play for 30 minutes)
Lots of moving around; the children generally move freely from one activity to another.
Houses our block area, our kitchen, tool benches, ride on and climbing toys, and much more.
Play is directed and undirected at intervals.
We incorporate movement with something musical each day (marching bands, bean bag play, rhythm sticks and so on).
We go outside to the playground from this room every day that we can. The playground is completely enclosed with fencing and very secure. The class teacher and aides are always with the class when outside.
Teachers supervise and encourage them to share, initiate, take turns, communicate, and solve problems.
The Blue Room – Art and Science (generally semi-structured for 40 minutes)
We do an art project everyday as a group or one on one with the teacher and aide. We paint, learn to use scissors with paper (safety scissors, of course!) and work with other media as well
Children are assigned specific tasks or organized into revolving groups.
Science Activities: Botany lessons, interaction with hermit crabs and studying an ant farm.
The Green Room – Our Learning Center (more structured for 30 minutes)
The children are very directed in this room. Our puzzles are graduated according to difficulty. We work on our name, address, and phone numbers. All of our more academic interaction is in the Green Room.
Story time, reading and numbers readiness activities, listening activities, small manipulatives.
Snack and Bathroom – (15 minutes)
Children bring their own snack from home.
The end of the day – Dismissal
The children return to their classroom to gather their belongings and to be dismissed. They are turned over at the door to their parent or guardian or the adult designated by the parents.